Broodmother Set – Virulent Mother Released

RavaFX - Virulent Brood

Death, decay and disease, these are the words that are used to describe Mount Pyrotheos after the great curse. Before Ptholopthales, The Vizier of Greed, took his last breath he silently cursed Broodmother and the land with an ever worsening disease. A slow killing curse that would end in a painful and horrible death for everyone foolish enough to come close to the mount and their decaying infested creatures. But Black Arachnia the Broodmother did not give in to curse, as the extreme sense of protection and love for her offspring enabled her to withstand the curse’s mightiest blow and instead of being weakened by it she instead became truly terrifying. When she finally learned to master the curse, she started to spread the seeds of death and decay from Mount Pyrotheos on Vizier’s lodestone ziggurat to the four corners of the land, making sure no one else will survive to ever want to harm her beautiful and now improved children. From then on she was known as the Virulent Mother, a poisonous and deadly creature who spreads death and dismay wherever she threads.

This is a cosmetic set made for Black Aracnia – Broodmother, a hero from Dota 2.
You can vote for it by clicking on the following link: Dota 2 Steam Workshop.

In Game Screenshots

High Poly Sculpt

Screenshot 2014-08-29 16.28.16

Screenshot 2014-08-29 16.29.07

Wired Low poly

Screenshot 2014-09-15 12.48.46

Screenshot 2014-09-15 12.49.28

Textured Low Poly

Screenshot 2014-09-15 12.48.52

Screenshot 2014-09-15 12.49.32

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